INNOVATIONS Basketball Team
One of the key reasons of Phoenix success on the court is how the players carry themselves off the court. The Phoenix Basketball player is to be a pillar in his community who provides the younger generation with an example by which excellence is achieved. It is this philosophy and attitude that has enabled many of the Phoenix basketball players to receive the Jim Stone Scholarship, which is given to those students who not only excel academically, but also demonstrate leadership ability and citizenship.
It is through sportsmanship that the coach of Innovations not only provides the tools necessary for these young men to be great basketball players, but to be outstanding citizens in their communities. Phoenix basketball players live by the motto taught to them by their coach....Honor, Loyalty, Humbleness and Winning...This is the Way Of The Phoenix.
We encourage and look forward to your support this season!!
INNOVATIONS Chearleading Team
Our team is made up of Innovations students who are excited and energetic about school, and who are willing to demonstrate the team effort needed to be a successful cheerleading team.
The expectations of an Innovations Cheerleader are as follows:
The student must have an 80% or better attendance record, and must maintain a 3.0 grade point average, or better. The student must be able to work well with others and demonstrate a moral, social, and scholastic responsibility to themselves as well as to others, and also hold themselves to a higher standard.
INNOVATIONS Volleyball Team
Here at INNOvations, our volleyball team pushes to teach our players how to be a team! We push our girls to hold each other accountable at all times. Accountability is held not only on the court, but in the classroom as well.
We are The Lady Phoenix!!